Sri Anisa Hayati


Students in schools need to achieve optimal development and independence, one of which is the learning aspect
so that students can develop lessons optimally. In learning activities in schools, it is found that students' learning
behavior is not good, one of which students often procrastinate on assignments or commonly called
procrastination. To reduce academic procrastination in students, it can be done through group guidance on selfinstruction techniques using true or false card media. Group guidance is a service provided to group members
with the aim of helping them develop appropriate plans and decisions by taking advantage of group dynamics.
The self-instruction technique is a self-verbalization technique that replaces negative thoughts with positive
thoughts to improve behavior. So that the application of self-instruction techniques can be maximized, it is
necessary to support the right media, namely using true or false card media. The true or false card contains
sentences that allow students to answer true or false statements and students express the reasons for choosing true
or false that have been mentioned earlier. The method used in this research is Guidance and Counseling Action
Research. The subjects in this study were students of class IX A of SMP Negeri 4 Palimanan who had the results
of a questionnaire on academic procrastination behavior in the high category. The data collection technique used
in this study was using a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used by the researcher is quantitative data
analysis. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is a decrease in students' academic
procrastination behavior through self-instruction technique group guidance services with true or false card media.

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