Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Melalui SCANNING Dengan Metode PBLTeks Perkenalan Siswa Kelas VII E SMPN 4 Sukoharjo

Triyana Triyana, Azwar Abbas, R H A Prasetyanta


The aim of this study is to : (1) know the student’s reading skill using scanning tehnique, (2) to improve the
student’s reading activeness through Scanning, so their learning outcomes can be improved too. The background
of this study is the students low reading skill and achievement in this pandemic era. Lack of utilization and variety
of learning media cause the interest and enthusiasm of the students in the learning process decreases. This study
was carried out in two cyles for about two months. The subject of the study is the 13 students of VII E SMP Negeri
4 Sukoharjo in the Academic Year 2021/2022. This study uses descriptive quantitative methods. The result shows
that with the using scanning in PBL method can improve the English learning activeness and achievement in
Introduction Text class VII E SMP Negeri 4 Sukoharjo. This is proved by the increasing number of responses of
learners from the initial condition (pre-cycle) which is 25% to 60% in the first cycle and 100% in second cycle.
The improvement also occurred in student learning achievement, there were only 2 students got more than 70 it
the pre-cycle learning outcomes which then increased in cycle II with an average score of 64,23. There were 7
students got more than 70 or 60% of all students completed. And in cycle II, there were 13 students or 100 % of
all students can pass the minimum learning outcome with average student score is 91,2. The Succesful of learning
can be supported by using tehcnique and method which makes students enthusiams. By implementation of Scanning
Introduction Text can improve ability and achievement of students VII E SMPN 4 Sukoharjo Academic Year

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