Muhammad Taufikurrahma, Bambang Widi Pratolo, Swinarmi Swinarmi


Writing is one of the four basic skills in English lesson. Among the four language skills taught in schools, writing
is the most difficult skill to learn. In this study, the researcher used Mind Mapping as a method to improve
vocabulary and writing the students’ recount text ability. The problems of the study were: (1) Do Mind Mapping
method improve writing ability of recount text of the X MIA 1 students at SMA Negeri 1 Satui? (2) How do mind
mapping method improve writing ability of recount text of the X MIA 1 students at SMA Negeri 1 Satui. The
purposes of the study were: (1) To know whether Mind Mapping method improve writing ability of recount text
of the X MIA 1 students at SMA Negeri 1 Satui (2) To know the process of Mind Mapping method through Problem
Based Learning Model to improve writing ability of recount text of the X MIA 1 students at SMA Negeri 1 Satui.
The design of the study was classroom action research. The subjects of this study were 31 students from class X MIA 1 ofSMA Negeri 1 Satui. The instrument of the study was writing test of recount text, observation, field note,
and documentation. The data of the research consisted of four main activities, were obtained from planning,
acting, observing, and reflecting. In Cycle 1 was making a recount text about the national historical event of
Indonesia, the result of this cases in cycle 1 was 13,8 % got the excellent category, 27,6 % had good category, and
31 % student had good enough category and 27,6 % had less category. It meant that the research was unsuccessful.
The researcher planned to next cycle. The researcher conducted cycle 2, in addition the students made a recount
text again about historical event in Indonesia and carried out to solve the problem in cycle 1, the researcher using
color markers and made the design of Mind Mapping was more interested. the result of this cases in cycle 2 was
34,8 % got the excellent category, 48,27 % had good category, and 17,25 % student had good enough category
and 0 % had less category. Based on the data above, it can be concluded that the number of students who scored
with very good criteria increased by 6 students or 20%. The good criteria also increased by 6 students or 20%,
while the sufficient criteria were 5 students or only 17.24%. In this cycle there are no students who get a score of
less criteria. From the analysis of this cycle test, the researcher concludes that mind mapping can help students
understand the vocabulary of national and local historical events in the form of recount text. It was suggested that
the English teacher should instruct students to use Mind mapping written with pictures and colored writing
instruments proved to be able to attract students' interest in learning. Based on observations, the enthusiasm of
students in participating in the learning process is very good. The process of extracting information, solving
problems continues to follow the PBL syntax with enthusiasm.

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