Kholishotul Mu’awalin, Avanti Risti Pramudyani, Jamilatus Saudah


Basic knowledge of geometric shapes in the next level of education is important for children. The problem in
Nurul Iman Islamic Kindergarten Cangkringrandu, there are 10 children in one class who cannot distinguish
geometric shapes. Therefore, the researcher will carry out classroom action research entitled Efforts to improve
children's cognitive abilities in recognizing geometry through the sticky board media. The purpose of this study
was to improve children's ability to recognize geometry in Nurul Iman Islamic Kindergarten Cangkringrandu.
The benefits of this classroom action research increase children's ability to recognize geometric shapes is
increasing. Meanwhile, educators get new knowledge so that it can be used as a reference in learning activities
at the next level. The variable to be studied is recognizing geometric shapes. Learning by using the media is one
way of providing direct learning experiences to children. Basic competencies related to geometry, namely KD 3.6
Knowing the surrounding objects (name, color, shape, size, pattern, nature, sound, texture, function, and other
characteristics) 4.6 Conveying what and how the objects around that are familiarity (name, color, shape, size,
pattern, character, sound, texture, function, and other characteristics) through various works. The indicator
developed is Geometry of 2-dimensional shape space. Learning to recognize this geometric shape uses a sticky
board media. The relationship between sticky boards and recognizing geometric shapes is that they are used to
paste children's learning outcomes related to geometric shapes. The type of research used is Classroom Action
Research. The independent variable in this research is the sticky board and the dependent variable is the
geometric shape. The research subjects were students of group B at Nurul Iman Islamic Kindergarten
Cangkringrandu, totaling 17 students, there were 10 children who had not been able to distinguish geometric
shapes. the technique used for data collection is observation, assignment, work. The instrument of data collection
used an observation guide. The research stage is cycle I, cycle II and cycle III

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