Uus Kusdinar, Subagya Subagya, Tri Wijayanti


The objectives of this Classroom Action Research are to: 1) improve the professionalism of teachers and improve
the quality of learning at SD Negeri 1 Seliling so that they can have good academic grades; 2) find out whether
the use of Problem Based Learning in thematic learning can improve the learning outcomes of Grade 4 students
at SD Negeri 1 Seliling. To achieve this goal, the research was designed in three cycles. The procedure in each
cycle includes the following stages: 1) developing the focus of the problem, 2) planning corrective actions, 3)
implementing actions, observing, and interpreting, 4) analysis and reflection, 5) planning follow-up. The
effectiveness of the action in each cycle is measured from the results of observations and results of students'
intensive ability tests. The data from the observations in the first cycle were described and interpreted and then
reflected to determine corrective actions in the second cycle. Meanwhile, the data in the form of intensive reading
ability test results were analyzed by describing and comparing test scores in the initial conditions, cycle I, and
cycle II. Complete limits that must be achieved by students in cycle II, namely: I) At least 70% of students actively
participate in intensive reading learning. 2) At least 85% of students get a score of 70 or more with an average
grade of 70 as the limit for intensive reading skills. Classroom Action Research regarding student activities during
learning, the results showed that classical completeness in the initial conditions was 36%, in the first cycle was
68%, and in the second cycle was 92%. While the Class Action Research on students' Intensive reading ability,
the results showed that the class average in the initial conditions was 62.92 with a classical completeness level of
64.10 In the first cycle, the class average was 68.72 with a classical mastery level of 82.05. In the second cycle,
the class average was 71.28 with a classical completeness level of 92, 1. These results indicate that the classroom
action research conducted from the initial conditions to the end of the second cycle showed an increase both in
terms of activity and student abilities. Based on the results of the Classroom Action Research, it can be concluded
that: 1) The Problem Based Learning method can improve the learning outcomes of Class IV students of SD
Negeri 1 Seliling in 2021/2022

Full Text:



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