Badiatus Solichah, Mujidin Mujidin, Anisa Tulhijriyah


This study aims to improve children's fine motor skills through weaving activities at the Dharma Wanita
Sumbertlaseh Kindergarten, Dander District, Bojonegoro Regency for the 2021/2022 Academic Year. This type of
research is classroom action research which is carried out in three cycles. Each cycle consists of stages of action
planning, action implementation, observation/evaluation and reflection. The subjects of this study were 18 children
in Group B of Dharma Wanita Sumbertlaseh Kindergarten, Dander District, Boonegoro Regency, in the
2021/2022 Academic Year. Data on the results of fine motor skills in this study were collected through the
observation method. The data that has been collected was analyzed using statistical, descriptive and quantitative
analysis methods. The results showed that weaving activities could improve the fine motor skills of children in
Group B of Dharma Wanita Sumbertlaseh Kindergarten, Dander District, Bojonegoro Regency, in the 2021/2022
Academic Year. This can be evidenced by an increase in the percentage of children's fine motor skills from cycle
I, the average child who gets the criteria of Very Developed Good as much as 20%. After the second cycle, it
showed that the children who got the Very Good Developing criteria increased by 40%, and in the third cycle the
children who got the Very Good Development criteria increased to a success rate of 80%, so it can be said that
classroom action research was carried out in these three cycles succeed

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