Murda Ningtyas


The thematic learning outcomes of the fourth grade students of SDN 1 Panjer have not shown a good success. The
application of the problem based learning learning model is carried out to improve thematic learning outcomes
and activity of fourth grade students of SDN 1 Panjer 1 semester of the 2020/2021 academic year, with the number
of research subjects 14 students. Problem base learning is learning that uses real problems in everyday life
(authentic) that are open-ended to be solved by students to develop thinking skills, problem solving skills, social
skills, skills for independent study. Collecting data through tests, observations. From the results of classroom
action research analyzed descriptively qualitatively, it shows that the application of problem based learning in
learning activities can improve thematic learning outcomes and student activity. Pre-cycle the average score of
students only reached 65.14 in the first cycle, it had increased to 72.86 and in the second cycle it increased to
79.86. The level of student activity also increased in the pre-cycle an average of 43.87 (low) in the first cycle
increased to 66.33 (medium), and in the second cycle increased to 73.47 (high). The conclusion from the results
of the data above is that the application of problem base learning to the fourth grade students of SDN 1 Panjer
has increased significantly.

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