Robiatul Masfufah, Puguh Wahyu Prasetyo, Fransisca Mujirah


The development of the 2013 curriculum needs to be supported by a conducive learning climate to create a safe,
comfortable, orderly, and pleasant atmosphere. In accordance with the results of observations indicate that in the
implementation of learning activities teachers still use the lecture method, so that learning is monotonous and
boring and students are less active in participating in learning activities. Given the behavior of elementary schoolage children who tend to like playing rather than learning, teachers can apply a problem-based learning model
so that it can foster curiosity and improve student learning outcomes. The purpose of holding this Classroom
Action Research (CAR) is to find out the improvement of student learning outcomes in learning Theme 3 by
applying the Problem Based Learning model to fourth grade students at SDN Sumberpakem 01, Sumberjambe
sub-district, Jember district for the 2021/2022 academic year. The implementation of this research consisted of 2
cycles, where in each cycle consisted of one meeting. This research is included in qualitative research, and the
instruments used in data collection are observation, documentation, and tests. The data analysis technique in this
research is descriptive qualitative. In the first cycle, classical learning completeness reached 64.30%, increasing
to 92.85% in the second cycle.

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