Siti Salma, Avanti Vera Risti Pramudyani, Farida Nur Setiyawati


Children as creatures who have feelings and thoughts, have a need to express their feelings and thoughts in
various ways according to their own desires. In expressing their desires and feelings or expressions, children
experience various kinds of feelings about things or events that are experienced, such as feelings of pleasure,
satisfaction, disappointment, and so on. In fact, it often happens that the whole state of the soul is expressed in
the activities it does. This is at the same time a development of creativity in early childhood. These experiences
can be obtained from everyday life both obtained from school, home and community. Here the kindergarten
teacher serves as a mentor by helping children to remind them again by providing creativity stimulants as
stimulation. The purpose of the study was to improve children's creative abilities by using materials around them.
The data analysis technique used in this study is descriptive qualitative, namely: (1) selecting and focusing,
organizing data according to research questions (2) describing or presenting data in the form of narratives
(descriptions), tables, or graphs (3) drawing conclusions in the form of a formula or a short narrative (Wardhani
and Kuswaya Wihardit, 2017). This research is said to be successful if 71% of the creativity abilities of children
in Group A Kindergarten AL - KASTURI BANGKALAN MADURA. By using loose parts media. This can be seen
from the achievement of the indicators listed in the research instrument. This research is said to be successful if
each indicator of serial measurement ability that scores BSH and BSB has reached 71%-100%, is said to be quite
good if the number of children who received BSH and BSB is between 56%-75%, said to be poor if the number of
children receiving BSH and BSB is between 56%-75%. only 41%-55% of children received BSH and BSB, and it
was said to be not good if there were only 0-40% of children who received BSH and BSB

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