Ria Anggraini Puspitasari, Erni Hestiningrum, Maryanti Maryanti


This research was motivated by the problem being faced in group B of Kartika Pringgokusuman Kindergarten
Yogyakarta, namely about the child's ability to the strength and flexibility of his fingers. Of the 23 students, there
are 4 children who are starting to develop (MB), 4 children are developing according to expectations (BSH) and
the rest are 15 children who have not developed or a total of 65%. This study aims to provide appropriate and fun
stimulation to children so that children's fine motor skills, especially in the strength and flexibility of children's
fingers, can develop as expected. This research uses Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subjects of this
research were group B students of Kartika Pringgokusuman Kindergarten Yogyakarta, totaling 5 children by
focusing on the strength and flexibility of the fingers using paper media. This study begins with a pre-cycle and
then continues with cycle 1, cycle 2 and cycle 3. The results of the analysis of the child's ability level from each
action obtained are pre-cycle as much as 13%, cycle 1 as much as 20%, cycle 2 as much as 60% and cycle 3 as
much as 80%. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that paper media can help train the strength and
flexibility of children's fingers.

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