Agus Yuli Purawanto, Laila Fatmawati, Khamid Khamid


This Classroom Action Research (CAR) was carried out after researchers observed the implementation of learning
which is usually carried out by most elementary school teachers, showing symptoms that were not as expected,
because teachers still dominated the teaching and learning process activities which incidentally were still teachercentered, with the view that The lecture method is the most important method. This can lead to boredom in students
which will later affect student learning outcomes, especially in science subjects about alternative energy sources
of electricity. Therefore, the researcher considers that learning using the Problem Based Learning learning model
is something that is appropriate to be applied in science lessons on alternative electrical energy source materials
to improve student learning outcomes, which is then formulated into "How to improve science learning outcomes
for students with alternative electrical energy sources. VI at SD Negeri Purnama 1 through the use of the Problem
Based Learning model?”. The type of research used by the researcher is descriptive quantitative with steps of data
collection, data reduction, data presentation, verification and conclusion drawing. This research was carried out
in the first semester from October to December 2021 in the 2021-2022 school year. The use of the Problem Based
Learning learning model in science learning materials for alternative electrical energy sources was able to
significantly improve student learning outcomes with details in the pre-cycle only 30% were completed. , cycle I
reached 60% and cycle II increased rapidly by 95%. This study concludes that the use and utilization of the
Problem Based Learning model is proven to be able to improve science learning outcomes for alternative energy
sources of electricity in class VI students at Purnama 1 State Elementary School, Tegalampel District, Bondowoso

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