M. Hapsari, Soviyah Soviyah, Riwahyuti Riwahyuti


The aim of this study is to: (1) improve the students’ writing skill using Liveworksheet media, (2) to improve the
students’ learning interest through Liveworksheet media, so their learning outcomes can be improved too. The
background of this study is the students low writing skill and learning interest in this pandemic era. Lack of
utilization and variety of learning media cause the interest and enthusiasm of the students in the learning process
decreases. This study was carried out in two cyles for about two months. The subject of the study is the 15 students
of X SMA PGRI 1 Prembun in the Academic Year of 2021/2022. This study uses descriptive quantitative methods.
The result shows that with the using Liveworksheet media in PBL method can improve the English learning interest
and achievement in Descriptive Text class X SMA PGRI 1 Prembun. This is proved by the increasing number of
responses of learners from the initial condition (pre-cycle) which is 60% to 80% in the first cycle and 100% in
second cycle. The improvement also occurred in student learning achievement, there were only 9 students got
more than 70 it the pre-cycle learning outcomes which then increased in cycle I with an average score of 78,00,
there were 12 students got more than 70. And in cycle II the average students score is 86,00, all students got more
than 70 (100%). The succesful of learning can be supported by using method and media which makes students
enthusiams in learning. By implementation of Liveworksheet media in writing Descriptive Text can improve ability
and students’ learning interest of X grade students in SMA PGRI 1 Prembun in the Academic Year of 2021/2022.

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