Tri Rahayuningsih


Third grade students of SD Negeri 1 Wonokromo are passive when learning. This is because students are
accustomed to online learning which rarely meets the teacher in person. Innovative learning is needed to increase
students' motivation and understanding of learning so that learning outcomes are maximized. Thus the teacher
conducts Classroom Action Research using the Project Based Learning model to overcome these problems.
Research conducted for 30 days yielded the results that learning with the Project Based Learning model was able
to improve the learning outcomes of third grade students. This can be seen from the comparison between the
pretest, cycle I, and cycle II. In the pretest the pass percentage of students is 25%, in the first cycle 60%, while in
the second cycle the pass rate is 87.5% with the results of the second cycle of the 2nd meeting being 100%.
Learning with the Project Based Learning model is able to improve student learning outcomes for class III Theme
1 on Growth and Development of Living Things at SD Negeri 1 Wonokromo for the 2021/2022 academic year.

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