Penerapan Permainan Quiziz Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar

Warsini Warsini, Sri Tutur Martaningsih, Sujimin Sujimin


The background of this research problem is learning outcomes due to low learning motivation and active learning
of fourth grade students at SDN 2 Candiwulan. This study aims to improve student learning outcomes using the
application of the QUIZIZ game learning strategy for Fourth Grade Students of SDN 2 Candiwulan. This type of
research includes Classroom Action Research (CAR) which is carried out collaboratively between researchers and
colleagues with the stages of planning, giving action, observing, and reflecting. The research subjects were all
fourth grade students of SDN 2 Candiwulan, totaling 8 students, with details of 6 male students and 2 female
students. The object of the research is to improve learning outcomes and active learning of fourth grade students
at SDN 2 Candiwulan by using the application of QUIZIZ on the Work Sharing Theme. The place of the research
was carried out in Class IV SDN 2 Candiwulan, Kebumen District, Kebumen Regency. Data collection was carried
out by direct observation techniques for each cycle, questionnaires in the form of self-assessments, and interviews.
Data analysis was performed using the class average percentage. Based on the results of the study, it was shown
that in the pre-cycle, students' learning motivation was in the low category and 59% of active learning. In the first
cycle the average percentage of the class increased to 75% and learning activity was 74%. In the second cycle, the
percentage of the class average was 84% and learning activity was 85%. Then the learning process by using the
application of QUIZIZ can increase learning motivation and active learning in fourth grade students at SDN 2
Candiwulan, Kebumen District, Kebumen Regency

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