Suparmin Suparmin, Prima Suci Rohmadheny, Audiyah Astuti


This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which aims to determine the increase in vocabulary in
group B by using storytelling apron media. The subjects in this study were group B students at Aisyiyah Klodran
Kindergarten for the academic year 2021/2022, totaling 20. The techniques used to collect data included learning
evaluations and also making observations during learning activities. Data analysis used qualitative analysis. This
research is included in classroom action research which consists of three cycles, in each cycle includes activities:
planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The criteria for success in the study were seen from the
increase in student activities and learning outcomes. The results showed that learning using storytelling clemek
media in cycle I, cycle II, and cycle III experienced an increase in terms of children's vocabulary or vocabulary.
In the pre-action, the percentage of children's vocabulary development obtained a percentage of 40%, in the first
cycle the percentage of children's vocabulary development reached 55% with an increase in the percentage of
12% then in the second cycle the child's development reached 65%. from cycle I to cycle II this increased by 10%,
and in the third cycle the development of children's vocabulary reached 80%, in cycle III this increased by 15%
from cycle II. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the use of learning media can improve
the vocabulary of group B children in TK Aisyiyah Klodran, Colomadu, Karanganyar. Keywords: Vocabulary,
Learning Media, storytelling apron

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