Yanuar Puji Rahayu, Ariesty Fujiastuti, Istiani Nurhasanah


This study aims to determine the use of Power Point media can increase students' interest in learning on the
theme. Researchers have identified the problems to be solved in this study, the obstacles or problems faced by
participants in learning activities, among others, teachers are less in using online learning media, students are
less active in online learning, teachers are not applying effective online learning. And, the low interest in online
learning of students in class. The type of research is Classroom Action Research using Power Point animation
media. There are four stages of action research, namely: (1) planning, (2) implementation, (3) observation, and
(4) reflection. The data collection techniques used are observation, questionnaires or questionnaires, and
documentation. The research instruments used include syllabus, lesson plans, documentation guidelines,
observation sheets, questionnaires. This research was conducted at SDN 2 Cucukan Kec. Prambanan, Kab.
Klaten in class V students with 9 students.
From the results of the questionnaire obtained, it can be seen that students' interest in learning increases in each
round. In the first cycle the results of the interest in learning questionnaire that were distributed were valued at
65% which were included in the criteria for high learning interest and in the second cycle the results of the interest
in learning questionnaires were valued at 94% which were included in the criteria for high interest in learning.
Followed by cycle three as enrichment. Based on these results, the cycle can be stopped because it has reached
the indicator of success, namely 80% of students get a score of interest in learning in the high criteria. The
obstacles that occur in cycle 1 are the selection of Power Point media and the ineffectiveness of teachers in
coordinating classes.

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