Rio Zulasmi, Hani Irawati, Subirah Subirah


Based on the interviews with the teachers, it shows that student learning outcomes are still low. The reason is
partly due to the lack of activeness from the students as teachers more often apply oral method. This result is
confirmed by the observations and pretests during the pre-cycle. The average student learning activity is 8 (less
active) and 5 students have completed learning (41.67%). The purpose of the study is to determine the application
of the PJBL model to increase student activity and learning outcomes in elementary schools. The subject of this
sstudyis the fifth grade students of SD 3 Temuwuh - with a total of 12 students, consisting of 8 boys and 4 girls.
This type of research is PTK. The CAR model used is a spiral from C. Kemmis and Mc Taggart consisting of
planning, implementing actions and observations, and reflection. The techniques of collecting the data apply test
and non-test techniques. At the first cycle of the first meeting, the average student learning activity is 12 (quite
active) and the second meeting is 14 (active). At the second cycle of the first meeting the average student activity
is 14 (active) and the second meeting is 17 (very active). PjBL in fact not only increases the student activity but
also improves the student learning outcomes. The KKM that must be achieved by students is 75. At the first cycle
of meetings I and II is that students who accomplish are 8 students (66.67%). At the second cycle of the first
meeting, 11 students are shown complete their studies (83.33%). Meanwhile, at the second meeting, 11 students
(91.67%) have finished studying. According to this data, it shows that the application of the PJBL method enable
to increase the activity and learning outcomes of the fifth graders at SD 3 Temuwuh. This implication of the
research has impacted on an active and fun learning atmosphere so that it is able to improve student learning

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