D Penalistyo, Riana Mashar, Eri Mustiah


This study aims to determine and improve the ability to sequence ABCD-ABCD patterns in children of
group B TK Pertiwi Wonotirto 1 Blitar Regency through the media of natural materials. The subjects of this study
were group B students of TK Pertiwi Wonotirto 1 with a total of 5 children. The data collection method used is the
observation method. This research was carried out in 3 cycles, in each cycle there were 4 stages, namely planning,
implementing actions, observing and reflecting. The results showed that the ability to sort ABCD-ABCD patterns
through the media of natural materials in group B children of TK Pertiwi Wonotirto 1 developed very well, the
average value obtained reached 95%. Natural material media is proven to be able to improve children's cognitive
abilities in the activity of sorting ABCD-ABCD patterns.

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