Kurnia Safitri, Irvan Budhi Handaka, Rini Siswanti


Learning is an activity that can be done by everyone, both children, adults and adults. The word learning is very
strong to be associated with students, because learning is a routine for students every day, both in learning at
school, studying independently at home, attending tutoring or bringing in a private teacher at home. In these
conditions, students are required to remain concentrated until the lesson is over. Because of the importance of
concentration for students, concentration can be used as a prerequisite for students in learning in order to
successfully achieve learning objectives. Factors that influence learning concentration include lack of interest in
subjects, feelings of restlessness and a learning environment that is not conducive. This study aims to increase the
concentration of learning through classical guidance with experiential learning methods in class XI MIPA. The
research conducted is also expected to provide benefits for schools, BK teachers, students and the community.
This type of research is a Counseling Guidance Action research which is carried out in two cycles. In the approach
of each cycle using the Kemmis & Taggart model, namely (1) planning, (2) Action, (3) Observation, (4) Reflection.
This research was carried out at SMAN 66 Jakarta in class XI MIPA 1 students, the number of students was 20
students. The data collection techniques used in this study include questionnaires and observations. This study
uses the experiential learning method, where students can tell their personal experiences so as to create new
knowledge. The results obtained from the results of the questionnaire instrument given before the action were
52.15% after being given the action in the first cycle it increased to 61.25% and in the second cycle it increased
to 74.6%. So the result of the increase from cycle I to cycle II is 13.35% with successful criteria and this condition
has reached the target set, which is 70%.

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