Angga Prayoga Nugraha, Novi Febrianti, sumarsih sumarsih


This research includes classroom action research. The subjects of this study were class VIII students, totaling 15
students. The results showed that the average value of student activity in the first cycle was included in the
sufficient category, then it became good in the second cycle and got better in the third cycle. The science process
skills tested are the skills to observe, communicate, classify, predict, conclude. Of the five skills tested, the highest
percentage of improvement from cycle to cycle was in observing skills. The results of the observation of science
process skills as a whole increased from cycle I to cycle III. In the first cycle obtained a percentage of 65.33%
with sufficient category and, increased in the second cycle with a percentage of 75.67% in the good category, and
increased again in the third cycle with a percentage of 86.00% in the very good category. Based on the results of
the study, it can be concluded that through the application of the Problem Based Learning model, it can improve
students' science process skills.


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