Siwi Retno Jayanti, Hadi Suyono, Ega Anastasia, Windriyatni Windriyatni


To find out the creativity of class B children at Mekar Sari Kindergarten, Demak. Based on the
results of observations, to find out the creativity of class B children at Mekar Sari Demak
Kindergarten, by observing during the learning process shows that creative children are able to
express themselves by making works according to their own ideas. Meanwhile, children who lack
creativity only imitate what they see from their friends doing. Improving children's creative abilities
needs to be improved. One of the techniques used is the Finger Painting technique. Learning with
the Finger Painting technique provides opportunities for children to develop their creativity through
coloring with Finger Painting. Children's activities are coloring pictures with professional themes
with fingers to develop children's creativity. The problems encountered based on initial observations
in group B of TK Mekar Sari Demak, it was found that during the learning process the teacher still
used the lecture method or did not support the emergence of creativity. In the activity of pasting
simple pictures, the researcher found that out of 15 children in Group B, there were 5 children who
were already creative by decorating the results with pictures made by the children themselves.
Meanwhile, 10 other children are still doing the exact same activities as exemplified by the teacher So that the results of children's drawings tend to be exactly the same and no one dares to be much
different. The purpose of this study is to increase children's creativity through finger painting
techniques in class B TK Mekar Sari Demak. The research method used in this research is classroom
action research with the Kemmis and McTaggart model consisting of: Planning, Action,
Observation, Reflection. The study was carried out in three cycles in group B, with 5 children aged
5-6 years. The results obtained that through finger painting techniques can develop children's
creativity, where there is an increase. This can be seen by the development of children's achievement
results in the second cycle of action I, 0 children are not yet developed, 2 children are starting to
develop, 2 children are developing according to expectations and 1 child is developing very well. In
the third cycle of action I, 0 children are not yet developed, 0 children are starting to develop, 1
child is developing according to expectations, 4 children are developing very well

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