Ninik Solekah, Avanti Vera Risti Pramudyani, Farida Nur Setiyawati


The ability to measure serialization in early childhood is one of the indicators of developmental achievement that
must be developed for the provision of early childhood education towards the level of education above. Therefore,
on this occasion the author conducts research to help children improve their ability to measure serialization with
loose parts. From the results of observations at the Al Hidayah Sukosewu 03 Kindergarten institution, 60% of the
number of students in Group B for the 2020/2021 academic year have a low serial measurement ability. Based on
the formulation of the problem and the hypothesis of the action taken by the researcher in Group B of TK Al
Hidayah Sukosewu 03, the results obtained from a sample of 5 students who took part in the activity of pasting
letters according to the picture, there were 3 children who succeeded in improving their initial literacy skills and
knowing the sound of the letters. And with this it can be concluded that efforts to improve the ability of serial
measurement with loose parts were declared successful, so this activity can be accepted as a way to improve the
ability of serial measurement.

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