Syarifatul Laeli, Laila Fatmawati, Khamid Khamid


Improving student learning outcomes is strongly influenced by the role of teachers in managing learning activities.
The learning outcomes of third grade students at Kemiriamba State Elementary School are still low. This is due
to the lack of teacher creativity in teaching which is still conventional, namely dominant lectures and one-way.
Media and props are also rarely used. Learning models are also rarely applied so that students experience
boredom, are less enthusiastic and less interested in the material around me. The purpose of this Classroom Action
Research is to improve student learning outcomes for objects around me, namely using the Problem Based
Learning learning model with the use of concrete media for the third grade students of SD Negeri Kemiriamba,
totaling 9 students. Judging from the results of student learning achievements in the pre-cycle of 9 students who
exceeded the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) only 22.22% experienced an increase in cycle 1 to 66.67%
While the average class score at the time of the pretest reached 58.33 experienced increased to 63.88 in the first
cycle of formative tests. After that, learning improvements were made in the second cycle. From the analysis of
learning outcomes in cycle II, it shows that there is an increase in the percentage of completeness in student
learning outcomes from cycle 1, which is 66.67%. to 88.89% in the second cycle. In addition, the average value
of the class also increased from 63.88 in the first cycle to 80 in the second cycle. Analysis of the results of the study
showed that students who obtained learning outcomes above or equal to the Minimum Completeness Criteria
(KKM) were more than 75%. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of concrete media can improve student learning
outcomes in the material around me in the third grade of SD Negeri Kemiriamba

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