Ayun Saritilawah, Prima Suci Rohmadheny, Habibah Habibah


TK ABA Pilot is a service institution for early childhood in developing various abilities and intelligence which
includes 3 services, namely TPA – Playgroup and Kindergarten. The number of students in Group B at the ABA
Pilot Kindergarten in Bojonegoro is 10 children. Children cannot distinguish between the symbols of numbers 2
and 5, 6 and 9, so when the teacher mentions numbers the children cannot point to the symbols of numbers. The
form of action research used in this research is the method used in research, using a number fishing game to
improve the concept of recognizing numbers. The research used is classroom action research (CAR). In practice,
this classroom action research uses the John Elliot model. In this study, the researchers used group B3 which
contained 10 children (5 boys, 5 girls), in cycle 1 which carried out number fishing activities, there were 5 children
/ 50% who began to recognize numbers 1-5. In cycle 2, children's ability to recognize numbers 6-10 increased by
8 children / 80%, while in cycle 3, repetition was held from numbers 1-10 and the level of achievement of children's
success reached 10 children or 100% complete.

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