Sri Rejeki, Mujidin Mujidin, Fajar Hayuningtyas


This research was carried out with the aim of increasing student learning activities and outcomes in the learning process.
The results of the author's observations in the learning process on aspects of numeracy skills in students, still use teaching
activities that are only teacher-centered. From the results of observations of problems at the Pembina Kindergarten of
Sarolangun Regency, it is known that from 21 children there are 5 children who cannot count, with the information that
two children cannot recognize and write numbers at all, one child has not been able to sort the numbers from 1 to 20,
two children can recognize numbers. but can't write it. Then the problem that can be obtained from the results of
subsequent observations is, the teacher always provides the same or monotonous learning method so that children easily
feel tired and bored in learning. For example, the teacher only gives an example of writing numbers and then asks the
children to follow by using a pencil and notebook to write as shown by the teacher. In the Pembina Kindergarten,
Sarolangun Regency, there are still few learning media and teacher innovations in doing variations in counting learning
so that it limits teaching with many methods. One of the efforts that can be done by teachers is to use methods with
creative media (props). The props are, for example, a number card board and a number card flannel. The props that will
be used in this research are number cards. This method can be used by teachers during learning so that it becomes more
innovative, interesting and varied. Interesting and varied media and teaching aids for learning can increase children's
interest in numeracy skills.

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