Nina Nurmalasariti Nina Nurmalasariti


This study aims to improve the ability to coordinate eye and hand movements through cutting activities in group
A children at Al-Yusufiyah Kindergarten. This type of research is collaborative classroom action research with
the research model of Kemmis and Mc. Taggart. The research subjects in this study were 5 children consisting of
three girls and two boys. The research was carried out in three research cycles. Collecting data using observation
techniques (checklist) and documentation. The data analysis technique used descriptive qualitative and
quantitative techniques. The improvement of the eye-hand coordination ability is said to be successful if the
percentage of the child's hand-eye coordination ability reaches 85%. The average percentage of eye and hand
coordination skills increased after the child warmed up at the beginning of the activity, show and tell at the end of
the activity. The initial conditions showed the ability to coordinate eye and hand movements by 50.5%, increased
in the first cycle to 62.5%, in the second cycle it reached 72.5% and in the third cycle it reached 85%. Based on
these results, it can be concluded that the classroom action research activities carried out in group A TK AlYusufiyah through cutting activities have been successful.

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