Christina Riring Widyaningtyas, Agus Supriyanto, Rustiningsih Rustiningsih


Students' numeracy skills are still low in Indriyasana Kindergarten. The purpose of this study was to improve the
numeracy skills of students in Indriyasana Kindergarten, Ngemplak District by using Lose Parts media.
Kindergarten children's learning will be fun when using real object media, because the media is one of the
distributors of learning messages and information, the learning media must be well designed and attractive. This
research includes Classroom Action Research which consists of 3 cycles, each cycle consists of planning,
implementing, observing, and reflecting. Methods of data collection by observation and assignment. The data
analysis technique used is qualitative data and quantitative data. The results showed that there was an increase
in numeracy skills from Cycle I, Cycle II and Cycle III. This is evident from the results of research on average
before the action of 20%, after the first cycle 20%, after the second cycle 40%, after the third cycle 60% and after
the third cycle 80%. The conclusion of this study is that using Lose part media can improve the numeracy skills of
Indriyasana Kindergarten children

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