Siti Nurhamidah, Wahyu Nanda Eka Saputra, Subandono Subandono


Efforts to assist students in increasing their learning motivation through classical guidance services are very
interesting to study. So for this reason, the researcher took a study on "Efforts to Increase Student Learning
Motivation through Classical Guidance services for XI MIPA class students at SMA Negeri 85 Jakarta in the
2020/2021 academic year. The expected goal of classroom action research (CAR) is to find out whether classical
guidance services can increase the learning motivation of class XI MIPA students at SMA Negeri 85 Jakarta in
the 2021/2022 academic year. This research provides benefits for schools, teachers and students. Classical
guidance is a guidance service provided to all students and carried out in one class to achieve student development
tasks by equipping students with knowledge and understanding of their living environment. Understanding
learning motivation provides knowledge to students in analyzing their learning abilities and knowing the factors
that influence student learning motivation, and can recognize their learning abilities. Problem based learning is
not only a problem-based learning but also contains elements of cooperation, responsibility and communication
skills so that students are equally actively involved in solving the problems given. The type of research used is
Classroom Action Research. The background of this research is SMA Negeri 85 Jakarta. The research subjects
were students of class XI MIPA, totaling 20 students. The research variables used in this action research are the
independent variable, namely the classical guidance service with the problem based learning method and the
dependent variable, namely increasing learning motivation. The instruments used in data collection were field
observations (through WA class groups and reports from subject teachers who teach in class) and questionnaires.
Analysis of the data used is descriptive data analysis

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