Rizqi Agustinawati, Puguh Wahyu Prasetyo, Fransiska Mujirah


This research was carried out with the aim of improving the learning outcomes of class II students at the
Education Unit UPTD at SDN Tamansari 02 Mumbulsari-Jember using the Project Based Learning (PjBL)
learning model. This type of research is classroom action research (CAR). The research subjects were 2nd grade
students of UPTD Education Unit at SDN Tamansari 02 Mumbulsari-Jember, totaling 26 students. The CAR
design uses the Project Based Learning (Project Based Learning (PjBL)) learning model which includes planning,
action, observation, and reflection. Data collection techniques using observation, documentation and tests. Data
analysis used quantitative descriptive statistics. The results showed an increase in learning outcomes, this can be
seen from the KKM completeness of pre-cycle students and each cycle, namely in the pre-cycle of 38.46%. In
cycle 1 58% and cycle 2 88%. This is accompanied by an increase in the average student learning outcomes from
pre-cycle of 59, cycle 1 of 71 and cycle 2 of 83. Thus, it can be concluded that learning using the Project Based
Learning (PjBL) learning model can improve student learning outcomes.

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