Vera Anggitasari, Trianik Widyaningrum, Sri Utami


Critical thinking is one of the important skills that need to be possessed in the learning process. Critical thinking
skills can encourage students to come up with new ideas or thoughts and even solutions to contextual problems.
Aspects that can be assessed from critical thinking skills are the level of analyzing (C4) and evaluating (C5). In
addition, the ability to think critically can be seen from the rubric of assessment of critical thinking skills. Critical
thinking skills can be obtained through the application of the Problem Based Learing model by analyzing scientific
journals. The research method used is classroom action research conducted over three cycles at Semesta Bilingual
Boarding School. The results obtained in cycle 1 were only 48.93% of students who were able to demonstrate
critical thinking skills. In cycle 2 obtained an average of 70.2% for the critical thinking skills of students and in
cycle 3 the ability of students’ critical thinking skills increased to 91.3%. Almost all students have been able to
demonstrate critical thinking skills.

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