Lela Agustin


This research is motivated by the low activity of students in the learning process at SMA Muhammadiyah 11
Jakarta. This research aims to increase the activity in the learning process of students in grade XI Science 2 through
the application of Problem Based Learning with question and answer and snowball throwing models. The data
collection technique of this study uses observations carried out in the classroom. The research subjects half of class
XI Science 2 students of SMA Muhammadiyah 11 totaling 15 students. The results showed an increase in
activeness in the learning process with the acquisition of activeness during discussion data during the cycle 1,
namely from 15 students there were 8 students with a percentage of 53.3%, increasing to 80% with a total of 12
students in cycle II. And increasing again to 93% with the number 14 students in cycle III. Increased student
activity occurs because students have understood participation in discussion through the steps contained in Picture
And Picture learning, and students are more enthusiastic in following the learning process.

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