Suparmi Suparmi, Avanti Vera Risti Pramudyani, Farida Nur Setiyawati


The background of this research is that 14 out of 21 children have difficulty recognizing number symbols in group
B of TK IT Khalifah Center, some of them often forget to mention and write it down. This study aims to improve
the ability to recognize the number symbols 1-20 in group B TK IT Khalifah Center. The benefits of this research
are that children get the right learning stimuli for cognitive development by matching number symbols, educators
gain knowledge, learning becomes more interesting and fun, school becomes fun for students. With loose parts
activities become more interesting and fun. This research is a type of Classroom Action Research which is carried
out in a collaborative and participatory manner. The subjects of this study were group B children aged 5-6 years
and 1 teacher, while the object of the research was the improvement of learning aspects of cognitive development,
the ability to recognize number symbols withmedia loose parts. The stages of the research are planning,
implementation, observation and reflection. The results showed thatmedia loose parts can improve children's
ability to recognize number symbols.

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