Lina Muharyati, Alfi Purnamasari, Fajar Hayuningtyas


Children's cognitive abilities need to be developed from an early age. Used goods media is one of the means to
improve children's cognitive abilities in learning the concept of numbers. The results of observations at the Masjid
Yasmin Kindergarten, Kotagede, Yogyakarta, was found that most of the children had not fully developed their
cognitive abilities, children were only able to memorize numbers but could not recognize the symbols of the
numbers. The research aims to determine teacher activities and increase children's numeracy skills through used
goods media. This research is Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) which mean Classroom Action Research with the
research subject being 5 children in class B of Masjid Yasmin Kindergarten. The research was carried out in 3
cycles by carrying out the stages of planning, implementing actions, observing and reflecting in each cycle. At the
observation stage, actions are carried out during the learning process by researchers who also act as classroom
teachers. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documents. The results showed that:
Utilization Process Media Used Goods to Improve Children’s Numeracy Skills in Masjid Yasmin Kindergarten
was implemented with steps to create the media, the use of used goods media. Then at the next meeting the children
were invited to play using used goods media which is calculated according to the amount adjusted to the number
card or number shuffle. The results of the research in 1st cycle that children's cognitive abilities reached 35% with
the criteria of Starting to Develop (Mulai Berkembang/MB), in 2nd cycle the overall score of Children's Numeracy
Skills was 55% with the criteria of Developing According to Expectations (Berkembang Sesuai Harapan/BSH),
children's numeracy skills increased in 3rd cycle that is increased to 80% with the criteria of Very Good
Development (Berkembang Sangat Baik/BSB). Based on the results of the research, it was said that used goods
media such as plastic bottles, cardboard, straws, and bottle caps could improve children's cognitive abilities

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