Alfiyani Rahmawati, Fuadah Fakhruddiana, Susi Retnowati


The background of the research is the reading condition of the children of grade A Qurrota A'yun Kindergarten,
language skills, especially regarding the reading of letter symbols and their sounds, began to develop, there were
8 children out of 15 children in the class and 7 children developed as expected. 2 children have difficulty reading
because they forget what they have read, 4 children have difficulty reading because they are unable to concentrate.
Two children had difficulty because they did not know the letters because they did not want to practice and were
not interested in reading. Symbols are difficult to understand and less attractive to children. The aim of the
research is to improve the reading ability of children aged 4-5 years through interesting media and make it easier
for children to understand letter symbols. This study discusses how to improve children's reading skills through
letter blocks at Qurrota A'yun Kindergarten?
The results of this study indicate that leaf media has a positive effect on the ability to recognize letter symbols in
children. This is evidenced by the results of the pre-cycle analysis of 48.66%, the first cycle of 20%, the second
cycle of 60%, and the third cycle of 80%. Based on the percentage of the results obtained, it can be concluded
that the letter block media can improve the ability to recognize letter symbols in children. The benefit of this study
is that it increases the development of language in general so that children are easy to find, understand other
knowledge and easily communicate with others. In addition, there will be specific ways to improve children's
reading skills. The ability to develop reading can be increased and appropriate learning methods can be found in
children without feeling forced.

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