Rachmawati Rachmawati, Roni Sulistiyono, S. Marniah


Based on the results of observations found that the ability to retell folklore is still low. Lack of understanding of
students on the story so that students have not revealed the content of the story completely and according to the
story. Another factor that causes the low ability to retell folklore (saga) is a learning approach that is still
conventional, thus making students passive in learning that affects their achievement and learning outcomes. This
research aims to describe the application of learning media in the form of video as an effort to improve the ability
to retell folklore (saga) in students of class X AKL 2 SMKS Bina Bangsa. This research uses a type of Class Action
Research with the approach used is a qualitative approach. Research is conducted over 3 cycles with stages in
each cycle, namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Data collection techniques use tests,
data analysis techniques used using descriptive qualitative. The population in this study was a student of class X
AKL 2 SMKS Bina Bangsa. The sample in this study was class X AKL 2 students who numbered 30 students.
Research instruments in the form of questionnaires and performance tests.

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