
The ability to recognize number symbols is the child's ability to recognize number symbols. Knowing Number
Symbols Is Important To Be Developed Because It Is The Basis Of Mathematical Ability In Children. Introducing
Number Symbols is also done through an observation process that involves the child's sensorimotor, rote memory,
and finally the problem-solving stage. Children in Group B of Masyithoh Sendang Kindergarten in Recognizing
Number Symbols are still limited to memorization, so that children are still upside down in mentioning number
symbols. The process of counting children is also not right, namely the mismatch between pronunciation and the
number of objects counted. The learning carried out to introduce number symbols in group B of Masyithoh
Sendang Kindergarten is to directly introduce number symbols before going through the stage of recognizing
number concepts first, so that children's mastery of number concepts is not yet mature. The learning that is carried
out is also still abstract. The learning carried out has not used learning media to concretize the material to be
delivered, so that children have difficulty in accepting the material that is still abstract. Children are also less
enthusiastic in participating in learning activities. This is because children are less interested in ongoing learning
so that children tend to feel bored. Using the Picture Number Card Playing Method Can Improve Children's
Ability to Recognize Number Symbols. To improve the learning process so that children's abilities can increase to
the maximum, the researchers intend to conduct research with the title "Efforts to Improve the Ability to Connect
Numbers and Objects Symbols with Picture Number Cards in Group B at Masyithoh Sendang Kindergarten"

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