R Dewi Astuti Purbowati, Avanti Vera Risti Pramudyani, Farida Nur Setiyawati


This research is in the form of Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was conducted in the B2 group of
Masyithoh Kindergarten Ngasem, Sewon, Bantul. The current situation where we are experiencing the COVID-
19 pandemic, which requires children to study at home, so that educators provide activities to sequence ABCD
patterns with LKA make children less developed. Educators should present interesting and fun playing activities
with loose parts media instead of using LKA. The purpose of the study was to improve the ability to sequence
ABCD patterns through loose parts media to provide solutions to teachers and educators in providing classroom
actions according to the development and abilities of children, especially in the activity of sorting ABCD patterns,
educators can overcome learning problems and improve learning, improve the quality of processes and outcomes.
This research is a Classroom Action Research through planning, implementation, observation and reflection
procedures. The technique used is observation and assignment. This research was conducted in three cycles with
different action processes. The results of this study indicate that loose parts media has a positive effect on the
ability to recognize patterns in children. This is evidenced by the results of the pre-cycle analysis of 30%, the first
cycle of 40%, the second cycle of 60%, and the third cycle of 80%. Based on the percentage of results obtained, it
can be concluded that loose parts media can improve the ability to sort ABCD-ABCD patterns in children.

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