Sutarti Sutarti


This classroom action research aims to find out and prove that the application of procedure text writing techniques
using mind mapping can improve writing competence and students outcomes for class IX F Semester 1 SMP Negeri
1 Nusawungu in the 2021/2022 academic year in English learning activities with procedure text material. This
school action research consists of two cycles, the implementation of which is in 2021 and the implementations for
two months. In this classroom action research the research subject are class IX F of SMPN I Nusawungu in the
2021/2022 academic year with a total of 14 students. The actions taken in cycle 1 and 2 were the application of
text writing techniques using mind mapping learning English with a procedure text material with observation
sheets for skills and and tes questions as instrumens. Data analyze used comparative description.
Baserd on theoretical and empirical hypotheses, it is stated that trough the application of procedure text writing
techniques using mind mapping can improve student learning outcomes in class IX F SMPN I Nusawungu in
semester 1 of English subject with procedure text material from the initial condition the average knowledge value
is only 69.00 increases to 85.00 in the final condition or an increase of 16% and the skill value at the initial
condition of 71.00 increased to 83.00 in the final condition or an increase of 12 %. So both theoretically and
empirically through the application of the sentence writing techniques using mind mapping can improve students’
learning outcomes in class IX F SMP N I Nusawungu in semester I English subject with procedure text material
from low initial condition to high final condition.
So both theoretically and empirically through the application of procedure text writing techniques using mind
mapping can improve the learning competence of class IX F students of SMP N I Nusawungu in semester I in
learning English with procedure text material from low initial conditions to high final conditions.


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