Ida Ayu Dian Citra Dewi


Education is a foundation for humans to be able to develop all aspects of their personality, which includes
knowledge, values and attitudes, and skills. However, since the beginning of the 2021/2022 school year, learning
has been carried out online considering the current pandemic situation which makes it impossible to carry out
the learning process at school. This has reaped many complaints from parents, because they have difficulty in
instilling the concept of subject matter to help their children complete the tasks given. Based on this, it can be
understood that the low learning outcomes obtained by students are due to the fact that learning models have not
been implemented that can teach students actively, creatively, able to work together, independently, and can build
abilities and knowledge gradually to increase student motivation during the learning process. Based on these
problems, it is necessary to use a learning model that increases student activity and learning outcomes. The
purpose of this study is to determine the effect of using the Problem Based Learning model with the help of digital
media on student activity and learning outcomes. The method used in this research is classroom action research
(CAR) with two cycles, each cycle consisting of two meetings. The instruments used in this study were observation
sheets to measure activity and test instruments to measure learning outcomes. The data analysis technique in this
research is quantitative descriptive. Indicators of success in this study are the average value of class activity
reaches 70% and completeness of learning outcomes in the classroom reaches 70%. In the first cycle, the average
activity level only reached 61.54% and the average mastery learning outcomes only reached 69.23%. In Cycle
II, the average class activity data reached 72.69% and the average completeness of learning outcomes reached

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