Umi Astriani Rofikah


This research aim to increase studies result of the students in tematic studies specifically in Indonesian Language
using Problem Based Learning models in Class of II B Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan Elementary School, Dictricts
of Muntilan, District of Magelang during online learning period. This Research is classroom action research. This
research is implemented in three cycle, every cycle is implemented in three times meeting. The subject of this
research are students in Class of II B Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan Elementary School, Districts of Muntilan, Distric
of Magelang in 2021/2022 school year. The Students are six student , consist of 2 boys and 4 girls. From the result
of data analysis known that studies result of students in precycle is 70, otherwise in first cycle increase to 86,67;
90 in second cycle and increase to 100 in third cycle. Increasing prosentation studies result of the students from
precycle to first cycle is 23,81%, whereas increasing from first cycle to second cycle is 3,84% and increasing from
second cycle to third cycle is 11,11%. Therefore its can be concluded that using Problem Based Learning models
can increase studies result on tematic studies specifically Indonesian language in Class of II B SD Muhammadiyah
1 Muntilan Elementary School, Districts of Muntilan, District of Magelang during online learning period.

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