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The purpose of this research are to know the index card match method aplication in the science learning, to know
the study result of the student and to know the constraints during the learning activities. This research is based on
some theories about index card match as a learning method which is working student directly, this method is
matching index card. The theory of learning is teaching the student using education principle non theory of study
as a main appointment of education succesfullnes. While, science is a systematic knowledge and the using of
science generally bordered in natural symptams, the development of science not only sign by the group of facts
but also scientific method and scientific characteristic.The method of this research are abservation, interview and
documentation. The result of this research show that there is improvement of student study result from three times
evaluation and there is improvement of the number of student which passed the KKM. The conclusion of this
research is the using of index card match in science learning can make the student happy, the class situation become
more lively and not boring, also there is improvement in study result and the number of student which passed the

Full Text:



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