Strengthening the Legal Instrument for Environmental Funding as The Manifestation of Sustainable Development in Indonesian New Normal Era

Indah Nur Shanty Saleh, Tunia Ismawan


The existence of Law No. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation (UU Cipta Kerja), especially in the environmental cluster, also contributes to weaken the legal framework for environmental regulation. Government Regulation No. 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management, even limits and focuses only on the arrangement of the guarantee fund for environmental recovery. Although at this time the status of the legislation was declared conditionally unconstitutional for two years until 2023 by the Constitutional Court, the existing regulation in it has legal implications which can lead to another separate polemic in the realm of environmental protection and management. This study aims to reveals the urgency of environmental funding and the need of strengthening the legal instrument as an effort of Indonesian Government to realize sustainable development during new normal era. This normative juridical research conducted to explain the importance of the legitimation of the legal framework for environmental funding instruments. This study shows that from a philosophical, normative and empirical point of view, it is important to have a strong legal framework for environmental financing arrangements. This research considers that it is important to carry out legal reconstruction of environmental funding instruments as a manifestation of sustainable development in the Indonesia’s new normal era.

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