Sambangan Village Mainstay Potential in the Development of a Tourism Village

I Putu Ananda Citra, Putu Indra Christiawan, Sara Hotnida Manalu


The research was conducted in Sambangan Village to describe the Sambangan Villages relied on as a tourism village. The Research data were obtained from observations and interviews. The analysis technique in this research uses descriptive methods and qualitative analysis which utilizes data from the results of observations and interviews with tourism potential variables which then conducts data scoring to obtain a classification of tourism potential. The results showed that the tourism potential of Sambangan Village as a tourism village was included in the classification of high tourism potential because the existing tourist objects were able to meet the needs of tourists such as tourism services, accommodation, easy access, and also tour guides. It can be seen from the natural tourism potential which is very well preserved which is also supported by adequate facilities which are coupled with easy access so that it can encourage tourists to visit Sambangan Village.

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