Reconstruction of Corporate Criminal Sanction in the Crime of Forest Destruction

Agus Suciptoroso


Forests are national resources that must be protected by everyone, regardless of their political affiliation. Many forests have been lost as a result of human and corporate devastation. The reconstruction of corporate criminal sanctions in the crime of forest destruction is the subject of this study. The objecrtive of research covers, first, how is the nature of corporate crime in forest destruction crimes in Indonesia, second, how is the implementation of corporate crime in forest destruction crimes, and third, how is the ideal model of corporate crime in accordance with the principles of justice. The method used is a normative juridical research method, namely research on legal principles using secondary data. While the data analysis method used is a qualitative method and the data collection tool used is the study of documents. The result of this study is that corporations as legal subjects must be responsible (strafrechtelijke aansprakelijkheid) if they are legally proven to have committed forest destruction. Then the implementation of corporate crime, there is no procedural law for investigation, prosecution and court examination, especially in formulating indictments for corporate entities. Finally, the ideal model of corporate crime is by direct punishment for those who destroy forests and those who participate (Deelneming) as stipulated in Article 55 of the Indonesia Criminal Code. The suggestion for this research is that the Government should immediately regulate corporate criminal sanctions in criminal acts of forest destruction explicitly and clearly in a statutory regulation.

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