Analysis of Student Learning Difficulties Viewed from Mathematical Connection on Linear Equation System of Three Variables

Frida Noor Fatimah


Learning outcome is the ability data of learners that can be measured from the value of students by using various models after working on the questions given by the teacher at the time, evaluation is implemented. This is because in the process of teaching and learning conducted by the teacher on the subject of Linear Equation System Three Variables that are theoretical in which the curriculum 2013. When the learning took place, students are less active in following the learning of mathematics. Students are less likely to master the material so that students' learning outcomes are low, and students are less motivated and inactive in learning. This study aims to determine that students 'difficulties in the chapter Linear Equation System Three Variables using mathematical connections and learning model, Problem Based Learning with scientific approach so as to increase students' understanding of Linear Equation System Three Variables.

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Fatimah S 2009 Mathematics is engrossed with modeling methods Bandung: Mizan Media Utama

NCTM 2003 Program for Initial Preperation of Mathematics Specialists Available on http: // Standars.pdf


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