Interactive Learning Media Development for Courses of Mathematical Logic and Set

Syariful Fahmi, Widyanesti Priwantoro Soffi, Anggit Prabowo


This research aims to find out how to develop and produce interactive learning media using Adobe Flash CS3 for students of mathematics education in the course of mathematical logic and Set in class D academic year of 2017/2018, as well as how the quality of the resulting learning media. The population in this research is the entire class D in first semester student in Mathematics Education academic year of 2017/2018. The model used is the development model of the development of the Borg and Gall which includes: (1) analysis of the content standards, (2) the collection of references to interactive media, (3) the preparation of draft interactive media, and (4) creation of interactive media in the form of digital discs (CD). interactive learning Media to be created should be referred to the material as well as media experts and tested on students.This research aims to find out how to develop and produce interactive learning media using Adobe Flash CS3 for students of mathematics education in the course of mathematical logic and Set in class D academic year of 2017/2018, as well as how the quality of the resulting learning media. The population in this research is the entire class D in first semester student in Mathematics Education academic year of 2017/2018. The model used is the development model of the development of the Borg and Gall which includes: (1) analysis of the content standards, (2) the collection of references to interactive media, (3) the preparation of draft interactive media, and (4) creation of interactive media in the form of digital discs (CD). interactive learning Media to be created should be referred to the material as well as media experts and tested on students.

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