Thinking Obstacles with Scaffolding in Solving The Limit of Sequence Problems in Mathematics’ Students of Hasyim Asy’ari University

Gunanto Amintoko, Sari Saraswati, Novia Dwi Rahmawati


Real analyze is one of the lectures which are very important in excercise the structured and rational deductive thinking. However, most students of mathematics is still having a hard time to understand it, especially on the matter sequence of real numbers. The difficulties indicate the exsistence of obstacles on students in problem solving on a sequence of real numbers. The aim of this research is describe obstacles thinking of studets of mathematics education department in problem solving on a sequence of real numbers. The approach was condected in this research is decriptive qualitative. The subject in this study were 6 students with high, middle and low ability. This reserach focused on the analysis of obstacles thinking that facing on students of mathematics in solve limit sequence problems. The problem solving in this reseacrh based on problem solving of Polya, are understanding the problems, planning the solve, conducting the solve, and reviewing the procedure and result. The students’ obstacles consisting of difficulties to think that due to the lack in ability of students’ analogies, the lack in ability of students’ connection in mathematics, and the lack of initial knowledge owned by the students. To address thinking obstacles which facing by the students in solving sequence of real numbers such that is give the scaffolding by lecturer. The scaffolding there are: (a) Level 1 (environmental provisions), (b). Level 2 (explaining, reviewing and restructuring), and (c). Level 3(developing conceptual thinking).

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