First-year mathematics student teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge

Kurnia Noviartati, Mohammad Zahri


The competencies teachers should master are the pedagogical skill and subject mastery. The combination of these is also known as pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). Through PCK, teachers could match the subject materials taught with students’ characteristics, teaching methodology and learning media, or with other pedagogical components. This research aims to describe first-year mathematics student teachers’ PCK through analysing three students as the subjects. The subjects were selected based on their microteaching test result which was included as the second round of student enrolment process at Al Hikmah Teacher Institute. Data was collected through observation and interview. The result of this research showed that all three subjects had sufficient PCK. PCK components which were not mastered by the subjects were curriculum knowledge, delivering subject materials in uncomplicated language, and class management. However, all three subjects were able to choose and take the advantages of the media and they were also able to conduct observation. This result is hoped to serve as the mapping of students’ PCK and as the base in quality improvement programs at Al Hikmah Teacher Institute.

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