The Influence of the PBL Model to Improve the Student’s Mathematical Ability of Reasoning and Proof

Rahmat Mushlihuddin, Sri Wahyuni, Irvan Irvan


Effective learning is a learning that affects students' math skills, one of which is the ability of reasoning and proof. The ability of reasoning and proof consists of several stages: Recognize reasoning and proof as fundamental aspects of mathematics; Make and investigate mathematical conjectures; Develop and evaluate mathematical arguments and proofs; Select and use various types of reasoning and methods of proof. The purpose of this research is to know: (1) Is there any influence of PBL model in improving the students' ability mathematical of reasoning and proof in subject of vector analysis course?; (2) Is the PBL model better in improving the students' ability mathematical of reasoning and proof in subject of vector analysis course? This research is a quasi-experiment research. The data analysis technique is done from test stages of data description, prerequisite test is normality test, and hypothesis test using ANCOVA test. The results showed that: (1) There is an influence of PBL model in improving the students' ability mathematical of reasoning and proof in subject of vector analysis course; (2) The PBL model can improve the students' ability mathematical of reasoning and proof in subject of vector analysis course.

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