APOS Theory towards Algebraic Thinking Skill

Fevi Rahmawati Suwanto, Aprisal Aprisal, Misnasanti Misnasanti, Wan Denny Pramana Putra, Rospala Hanisah Yukti Sari


Future education requires knowledge and technology for students to face life's challenges. One of the basic science that supports the purpose of education is mathematics. Mathematics is the basic science that supports the development of other sciences. In preparing students to be success in mathematics, it is required a grip that becomes the basis for developing students' skills in math. Algebraic thinking skill is one of the basic skills that support students to develop their math skills. Algebraic thinking skill is the ability to think using algebraic symbols. Algebraic thinking skill involves activities that consist of generational, transformational, and global meta-levels. Algebraic thinking skill appears as a representation of the students' ability to learn and understand the material of school algebra. Algebra is a branch of mathematics as a gateway to the future of technology. Algebra is very important for students because it is used in everyday life either implicitly or explicitly. In algebra thinking, it is needed a high cognitive ability so that the cognitive development of students is an aspect that needs to be considered in the process of learning achievement of mathematics. A theory which supports students' cognitive development is APOS Theory. APOS theory is oriented towards social constructivism that adopted by Vygotsky. This theory that developed by Dubinsky can build knowledge and understanding of mathematics through mental construction in the form of action, process, object, and scheme. Therefore, the purpose of the literature review in this article is to examine, analyze, and describe the results of studies related to APOS Theory on students' algebraic thinking skills.

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